
Upcoming Workshop:

“Dream Mythology: Journey Through Your Tarot and Into Your Dreams” with Athena Kolinski, MA
Monday, June 18th @ 9:15 – 11:15am
DoubleTree Resort, Scottsdale, AZ

Mythology draws us in to the journey of humanity through its ordinariness and extra-ordinariness. Every night our dreams do the same sorting out the details of the day and providing deeper messages for our personal and collective growth. The imagery of the Tarot allows for both worlds, dreams and mythology, to be entered simultaneously where layers of meaning, archetypal connections and synchronicities can take place. So are you willing journey through your dreams with the Tarot?

Want to try out the Tarot and many other methods of dreamwork at the upcoming Dream Conference! There is still time to REGISTER for the week or a single day.

Recent Interview:

Check out the interview with me and Dr. Kathi Kemper on the Kat Kanavos Show with host Kathleen “Kat” O’Keefe Kanavos, as we discuss dreams and our upcoming presentations at the 2018 IASD Dream Conference. Click to Watch or click to Listen.


Gather a group together for a presentation on the Major Arcana in order to expand your knowledge of the Tarot. This can be done either in conjunction with a Tarotpy workshop on dream/life guidance, or presented on its own (single or series of courses).


Workshops offered for Groups and Events:

“Unfolding your Personal Journey”

Take a walk through the “Mythology of the Major Arcana” and watch your story unfold through images of the Tarot. It is a journey that you know well that will take you down roads into your inner and outer experiences with the sacred and the mundane.

In this workshop, you will get an introductory tour of the movement through the Major Arcana of the Tarot, how they interface, learn about the characters and how they speak to you in your life. Plus, you will learn a hands-on technique and new layout to unfold your personal journey, find the major aspects that you are transforming, get insight in to issues you are/will face and watch as layers of meaning continue to bubble forth from your intuition and that of others.

There will be decks available to borrow. No experience necessary with the Tarot. All level of participants welcome! Come join a supportive community of individuals working to empower themselves and others into the best “me” they can be!


“Unfolding your Dream Mythology: Journey with the Fool through the Major Arcana and into your Dreams”

Abstract:  Reveal your dream mythology through the imagery of the Tarot. What stories are playing out in your dreams? Learn a hands-on dreamwork technique with the Major Arcana. We will explore the movement through the cards, how they interface, the figures and how they speak to you about your dreams.


In-depth summary:  The Major Arcana of the Tarot is a pictorial mythology of the human journey. The cards take you through the mundane, to the challenges of the dark night of the soul, to rebirth into new levels. The images of the Major Arcana and dreams are both archetypal in nature. By utilizing the cards, the subconscious can communicate with the dreamer during an awakened state through imagery, symbolism, synchronicity and the significance of the cards. The audience will have an opportunity to unfold their own dream mythology through a hands-on technique which analyzes the sequence of the dream. All levels of dreamers are welcome.

There are three parts to this workshop: the presentation on the “Mythology of the Major Arcana: The Journey of the Fool”, the interactive volunteer dream example using the Tarotpy© method, and the pairing of individuals for practice of the method on a dream of their choosing.

The first third of the workshop will be an interactive lecture on the “Mythology of the Major Arcana: The Journey of the Fool” M.A. thesis. During this lecture, participants will be walked through the Major Arcana Tarot cards in order to differentiate their meanings, symbols and archetypal connections, as well is how the cards interacts with each other in sequential order. This basis of information acts as a foundation of knowledge for the hands-on portion of the workshop, and is the time when the Tarotpy© method and mythology layout will be introduced. The Tarotpy© method, created by Lauren Z. Schneider, M.F.T., allows the dreamer to personalize their layout and intuit the meaning of the card in relation to their dream reflecting on the imagery. The mythology layout will apply the use of the Major Arcana cards, as the archetypal representatives of the dreamer’s personal mythology; Thus giving further insight to their dream mythology.

The second portion of the workshop will be approximately 20-30 minutes. During this time a volunteer will share their dream with the audience, applying it to the method. Prior to the workshop, the volunteer will have personally: chosen the number of cards, named the placements and blindly selected the cards. This allows time for the layout to be added to the PowerPoint; the cards will not be revealed to the volunteer until the time of the workshop. The volunteer will begin first by analyzing their dream in relation to placement names on the layout and selected cards. The audience will then be able to add layers of perspectives to the cards/dream using Ullman’s idiolect. The example will close with the dreamer summarizing their analysis as the ultimate authority of their own dream.

In the last portion of the workshop, the participants will pair off to analyze their own dream mythology. They will follow the method described in the lecture and shown as an example with the volunteer. They will personally select: a deck provided, the number of cards, the placement names and the cards blindly. Once completed, they will first analyze their own cards based on the dream before sharing it with their partner. Then the partners will take turns adding layers and perspectives to the other person’s cards/dream using Ullman’s idiolect. The dreamer will have the ultimate authority in what they understand as the meaning and connection to the cards. During the Q&A of the workshop, the participants may share their dream with the group and may ask for further insight into their cards.

Presentation Learning Objective:

  1. Participants will apply a method of using visual imagery on cards to further explore and gain insight on a dream.
  2. Participants obtain skills to practice developing their intuitive abilities in order to interpret symbolic and archetypal imagery.
  3. Participants demonstrate a step-by-step method of personalizing a layout to analyze their dreams using the Tarot.



For questions or to schedule an appointment contact me directly today!


Your home, office, or a mutually convenient location*

Or online via Skype, Google +, etc.

*Additional fee may apply based on distance


Contact Information:

Phone:  818-802-0792


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Where the Tarot Meets your Dreams