In my dream Star Card Dreaming/Consulting had manifested into a store like business. I was talking to a friend of mine about how it had changed since its conception, and did so by flowing with the needs of the patrons. As people were requesting specific aspects of what I did, the company naturally changed towards fulfilling those needs. Then I heard that same friend retelling the story to one of her friends, and in it she added a whole other layer to the story from her perspective, thus allowing me to gain more insight into what it had become. As the story continued to be shared, other layers were added to it, showing itself as die-cut patterns of a butterfly on various shades of colored paper. Those die-cut butterfly patterns were laid out, fanned out with one on top of the other, visually displaying all of the layers of organic transformation that had occurred.
Initial Analysis:
It has always been a dream of mine to open up a spiritual bookstore for classes, readings and a center for community. I would love it if this work one day takes me into that direction. It has always felt to me that my work would need an organic growth of clients, students and followers. My goal is to empower people by providing the tools they need to be self sufficient in communicating with their higher selves. That is why tarot is so amazing, because everyone can utilize it to gain introspection on themselves and their lives. Tarot has been coveted for years by readers or mediums, who rarely even let you have the opportunity to touch their decks and are the only ones who can give you the messages that they share. Through the method of Tarotpy, the cards are not controlled by interpretations based on a book or a single perspective of the reader, they are revealed through your own intuition. Look, readers or mediums can and do have valid insight, especially when they have studied and read many people – because you start to get a deeper understanding of the specific cards and layouts that those without experience do not have. However, placing the power in the hands of the people who are seeking the answers leads to deeper, more meaningful and synchronistic experiences than someone else telling you who you are and where you are going. My hope in doing all of this (the blog, the workshops, the social media) is that I can guide people who will then share their experience, which will lead my company’s growth and transformation in whatever direction that it is meant to be heading.
The butterfly symbolizes transformation and spirit, but it comes in an interesting form through the die-cut pattern on the paper. Meaning that the pattern has already been created so that each time it cuts through the paper, the pattern is exactly the same. But what makes the pattern different is the colors and the shades of colors that are chosen to be cut into. So in a way, I already have the pattern created through the work I have been doing for the past several years. The groundwork has been done with the research, the thesis, presentations and now workshops. The mold has been created; it is solid enough to be replicated. Now it is about the versions that I choose to use (or colors of paper) to cut the patterns into. Honestly, the workshop that I will be doing for the very first time in Virginia (which is where I am right now writing this) is just another version of the same thing that I have been doing with a slight variance by actually walking the audience through how dream analysis can be done with the tarot.
Intuited card pull: 3
Chosen Decks: Marseille Deck and The Dreamer’s Journal Deck by Barbara Moore
Question: How do manifest my dream into reality?
Sub-Categories from left to right: How do I get there?, What is my destiny with this business?, Next Step?
Chosen Layout: three all in a horizontal row

Tarot Analysis:

The first thing that jumped out to me is the Fool card from the Marseille deck that is in the sub-category of what is my next step. Of course that is the card that I would get! Ha! One must be like the Fool and take on the adventure without knowing the exactly where they are going. The Fool just wants to get out and go because he feels a calling deep within that he cannot ignore. Through the trials and tribulations one grows from the experience and serendipitously ends up where they truly belong. And in making the journey I will have to expose myself to humility, as the Fool’s butt cheek has been exposed (although he is completely unaware of it). I will just have to keep heading in the direction of the unknown, letting my goal of finding what it is that I’m looking for be my guide, in whatever forms it may come. I always see the dog as the natural instinct of survival that has to be left behind in order to evolve into a life that requires a higher level of living. One that does not react to the moment in fight or flight and must muscle its way to be the pack leader. As humans we have created ways of life that has allowed us to not have to worry about our basic needs being met so that we can use our minds to create and evolve within our civilization. However, in doing so, we must not ignore our basic needs and instinct as the Fool is doing in the image by not even noticing that the dog has ripped his pants in trying to get his attention. This card also speaks of a passivity in life, as in letting life happen to him by not knowing where he is going. Thus he cannot plan so much as having to adapt to the situations as they come. This again speaks to me about the need for me to go with the flow of where this business is heading, and enjoy the journey more than worrying about the destination.

Not sure how to react to the Judgment card from the Marseille deck for the sub-category of how do I get there. But what did come to me was that I have gone through this period of years where I was always drawing the Star card in readings, then the Moon card, then the Sun card. The next in line is the Judgment card. I have traveled well through the three cards before this one, and now it is time to rise back from the depths of myself and onto the earthly plane. I am being called by the dream, by my life’s work, to rise up and share it with the world. This requires communicating with people, even if I only have two to start with now. It is time to speak my truth, so that others can find theirs. In one of the courses that I was preparing a quiz for recently, Dr. Obadiah Harris speaks of the cross as a meeting of the transcendental and eminent (depicted in the flag that the angel is holding). At the crossroad one must surrender themselves to its will, which is the divine will of fulfilling one’s true purpose for which they were placed on earth. So I would say that not only do I need to continue communication flowing, I also need to surrender myself to the will of my higher calling.

For the sub-category, what is my destiny with this business, the Empress card was selected from the Moore deck. I am drawn to the sceptre that she holds in her left hand that is lit up by its own intrinsic light. She wields its power and holds it firmly in her grip. Her dress seems to bleed into the ground as if she fertilizes the ground beneath her feet aiding in the growth of the greenery and flowers below. She seems to be connected to all aspects of life and seasons from the dry desert, to the spring time, to the time of harvest. She is the feminine spiritual energy transformed into the material world. Behind her flows great waterfalls signifying the abundance of the life giving force (symbolized by the water) that she has within. In the card, the Empress is pregnant. I now remember that I dreamt of being about 6 – 7 months pregnant last night, with a baby girl – enough to show but not at full term. That baby symbolizes my creative undertaking of this business. It is not yet ready to come out full fledged as it is still developing within me. I feel like this card is telling me to have some patience and let this beautiful gift come out when it is ready. That does not mean that I should not continue to blog and do the social media, it just means I need to let it become what it is meant to be, organically. The Moore guidebook on this card states “This card shows a time of natural growth. Your role is to nurture without forcing or neglecting your project. Pay attention to where you are in the cycle of your project or situation and take the proper steps. There is great potential for abundance if good care is given (p51).” Well that is a pretty direct explanation of what I need to do at this time, but does it answer what is my destiny with this business? Not so much in a direct way, rather it is part of the mystery that I must wait for during this organic growth. Answers will reveal themselves when the project comes to full fruition.
Synchronistic Event:
I am staying in a resort were it has been difficult for us to access WiFi from our rooms, so I came down to the registration area where they have computers available for use. The first computer that I chose kicked me off after an allotted amount of time. Since it is was pretty late – I almost decided to leave and work on it at another time. Then I moved over to the next computer contemplating returning to my work when I noticed a picture of a butterfly that someone had left on the side of the computer. I can tell that it is a child’s project and that they used some sort of sponge or butterfly pattern to create the image. So that was my que to stay and finish the dream analysis.