Life provides information like pieces of a puzzle. We are handed one, two or a handful of pieces at a time but cannot make out the bigger picture with that which we hold. And when we notice their connection and can make out an image or portion of this puzzle, it is like a lightening shock within. That is what happened to me…
On February 17th, I did a Life Guidance Tarotpy reading for myself after my home was broken into and my computer was stolen. I was feeling so frustrated and stuck, as it completely halted my progress with projects, and left me feeling extremely violated. The images of the cards in correlation with the positions that I created really reflected how I felt and my concerns at the time. I formed the layout of the cards in the shape of an arrow. At the top or tip of the arrow, I labeled position “moving forward”. Now since the other cards were more focused on the negative aspects of the break-in, I was hoping that this particular placement would give me inspiration in the midst of all that had occurred.

Instead, it gave me rise to concern. I pulled the Tower card– the one freaking card in the deck that no one wants to select. Forget the concern over the Death card, the Tower card indicates sudden forced change that usually is experience as both an outer and inner life event. It is the card that shakes up your world and tears down old patterns, ego and beliefs – forcing you to rebuild from a new perspective. The outer life event that usually occurs with it, really shocks you (as shown in the lightening/fire blasting the tower). We all have to experience this type of upheaval to speed up change in our lives, but when we are in the process – it can be unpleasant. Basically, I knew that the Tower card or sudden forced change was in my future, just was not sure of when.
On March 3, I got my very first Astrology chart reading that was amazing, with so much information that I had to take notes. Towards the end of the reading, I was given dates of when big changes took place in the past, as well as dates for big changes in the future. The Astrologer gave me the date of April 14th, 2014 as a time for huge forced changes. Next to the date I made an arrow and wrote, “moving forward”.

On March 19, and like every third Wednesday of the month now, I do Tarot readings on a Blogtalkradio.com show. For the readings, I use a two-card pull from the Major Arcana to read where someone is in their individuation process. For the readings I shuffle the cards between each person and lay the cards facing downward. When they come on the air and say their name, I blindly select a card for them by moving it a half inch up from the other cards that are spread out (but do not look at the card). When it’s my turn to read I ask the caller to select a card by telling me when to stop as I float my hand above the deck. Out of the 7 readings that we did that day, the Tower card was pulled 5 times ! That is clearly more than chance on the probability scale considering there are 22 cards in the Major Arcana and a total of 14 cards (2 per person) were pulled. On the last call, both the caller and I pulled the same card, the Tower Card. It was clear from the reading and conversation that she was deep in the zone of the Tower, with the likelihood of more to come (Click here to listen to the show). After the third pull of the Tower card, I felt compelled to mention that April would be a huge month astrologically for change and this card may be alluding to the effects it will have on those callers received it.
On April 1st, I put all of these pieces of this puzzle together! I just happened to look through my notes from the Astrology Chart reading and the Tarotpy session when the realization hit me. I subconsciously wrote the phrase “moving forward” right next to the date when the huge change is supposed to be at its pinnacle for me. I also just happened to use the arrow formation for the Tarotpy session and as part of my astrological chart notes, placing the same phrase “moving forward” at the tip of the arrow. All of this combined with the caller’s readings, reminded me that many people all over the country/world are also feeling or going to be feeling the impact of the Tower card in their lives.
In an effort to prepare myself for the month ahead, I did another Life Guidance Tarotpy reading. In this formation I chose 5 cards, placing me at the center and 4 cards around me in a square (like the domino five). Two cards in particular caught my attention (no, I did not get the Tower card in this new reading, rather I created a space called the unexpected to honor it).

In the position that I labeled as “me” I got the Emperor, and the position I labeled as “unexpected” I got the card Principalities (from the Dante Tarot aka the World card in traditional decks). In the Principalities card, I noticed how the pathway was open to the divine knowledge, by two guards holding a shield with a giant red cross on it. It hit me that this card could be referring to the Cardinal Grand Cross as a time that will open up my connection to the divine and my divine purpose, which was mentioned by the astrologer. She stated that the lunar eclipse will push me towards my higher purpose.

Then I looked to the Emperor card from the Oswald Wirth deck. The Emperor is wearing armor with a sun on his right breast and the moon on his left breast, holding an orb with a cross at the top RIGHT BETWEEN the sun and the moon. This month we are going to experience a lunar eclipse (actually on April 15th) followed by the Grand Cardinal Cross (April 20th) and then a solar eclipse (April 29th). Thus I will bear the changes to come, whatever they might be. Note that this particular depiction of the Emperor is NOT on most decks, and I used three different decks for the whole layout. (Ah, synchronicity… an experience and sign of interconnectedness.)
These huge astrological events that are coming up this month are going to happen in such a short period of time. The energy from these astrological events is not only going to be effect me, its going to effect the world and the people in various ways. Taking notice of these four separate synchronistic events in my life, have revealed a bigger image on the puzzle. My Tower card of sudden change will be taking place with inner and outer events coming up this month, along with many others who are or will feel its impact. It is not something that I or anyone can control or even really prepare for. We just need to be open and flow with the changes as they come. In the end all of the experiences will change me (and you if you choose) for the better, opening up the pathway towards my higher purpose of service to others.
“Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see it.” – Carl Jung